Penyejuk hati

himpunan doa


so sorry my dear, u deserve it !!..

After a long break up
 a boy met her ex-gf . .He told her 
That boy : Sorry, I've met a new one, 
I have a new girlfriend and another future. 
How about your life?
The girl closed her eyes to hide her tears,
Remembered all the memories she
shared with him, 
She remembered how she shared his pain before his
happy moments and 
how she refused many other boys just to stay with him.
She kept the remains of her pride and
collected her force, smiled and said
That girl : Sorry Sir,  do i know you ??
 moral of the story :  never allow someone to be your priority while you're just their option.

im juz wonder, 
how great i am if
 i was in this situation..
sometimes lelaki x blh bg muka sangat.. 
esp. yg ske sangat sangat mainkan perasaan perempuan..
kte ni mcm nk separuh mati sygkan die,
infact, die snang sgt beralih arah.. 
berlagak kononnye dia lah yg paling 'thumbs up' di dunia..

but for me, im not really bother with what had happened 
because maybe Allah is planning something better for me..
He might be wanna give me 
someone that could really appreciate me no matter what and who i am..

to my lovely Mr.Right..
please take care of yourself Sayang..
I dont even care how long should i wait for you
I do really care how much u will love me when
 we meet one day..
i will keep my promise to wait for you till that day comes..
till the day that we are meant to be met..
till the day that I have ready to be loved by you
and to give my love for you..
just for you tauuu..(^_^)

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